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                                                                         国际部学生沈湛博的父母:沈洋 冯娇
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen

How are you! A Chinese proverbs goes, "Destiny draws unacquainted people together from miles away". The Pacific Ocean, a vast thousand miles expanse, lies between China and US. and there are thousands and hundreds families living in numerous cities in China. However, the mysterious destiny let your son Robert go to Shenyang and stay with our family which is just an ordinary one out of millions of Chinese families. What an amazing arrangement by destiny! We were very glad to know Bobby Jay and accommodate him.
In the three days that we spent with Robert, he impressed us as a very communicative and confident boy. He said that he liked exploring the Chinese culture, especially ancient sculptures and architectures. Undoubtedly, we are pleased to share the orient culture with guests from western world.
Due to the very short timeframe, he couldn’t have a complete understanding of the 5000 years history of China. But we successfully help him interact with Chinese culture by serving him various Chinese foods. In general, we sincerely hope that Robert's trip has helped him to get a general picture of an actual China. That's the reason why we encouraged him to take the subway and other public transportation as to obtain first-hand experience of China.    
China and U.S people had established long friendship. From 1930's to 1940's, U.S air force supported Chinese army to fight against Japan intruders. In recent decades, the economic tie has being deepened between the two superpowers. US serves as a model for China in aspects ranging from human rights, democracy, justice to government. And Chinese appreciate the self-confidence, bravery and sense of humor of US people. So we decided to send our son Shen Zhanbo to some US university next year. He can also contribute to the friendship between our two countries in the globalized era. 

As to express our respect for your family, we gave you a set of chopsticks, the Chinese eating tool. It's a small gift but carrying our best wishes. It's made of rosewood and porcelain, both of which are representative elements of Chinese culture. We also suggested Robert learn to eat by using chopsticks since most Chinese new to America culture have their first lesson from using a knife and folk. Another reason why we chose chopsticks as the gift is the number of components in the set-eight. The pronunciation of eight in Cantonese resembles another Chinese character “Fa” means getting rich – “Kong Hei Fa Choi” (Wish you great wealth and prosperity).
At the end of this letter, we want to give your family our best regards and look forward to seeing you again on vacation. We will welcome you in our own holiday hotel. 
Shen Yang & Feng Jiao
